Top 6 Benefits & Side Effects of CBD Oil | Cannabis Oil vs CBD oil

The use of Vijaya in Ayurveda dates back over 1000 years. The name Vijaya translates to the one who conquers or liberates. Ancient texts like Atharva Veda are quick to recognize its myriad health benefits and immense pain relief powers.
Lately, Cannabinoid (or CBD) oil has come into the limelight as an alternative form of medicine - one that helps with multiple ailments and alleviates painful symptoms. People are recognizing, albeit slowly, the power of CBD oil and its multifarious benefits that complement a sustainable lifestyle.
While a good chunk of people qualify CBD as the age-old ayurvedic panacea, others see it as an emerging holistic/wholesome substitute to allopathic meds and an intervention from their cascading side effects. There are still others who view CBD as nature’s healing touch.
Before we delve deeper into the vast subject that is CBD and medical cannabis, and its derivates; it would help us to understand what is CBD oil and along the way, debunk doubts we may harbor.
What are Cannabinoids and CBD oil?
CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is one of the main cannabinoids (among 70 others) present in the Cannabis sativa plant. The other primary cannabinoid is THC (Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is intoxicating and causes feelings of high and euphoria in users. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and mixing it with carrier/base oil, typically coconut oil.
CBD oil is available in two main forms - full spectrum CBD oil and CBD isolate. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains small amounts of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, which are naturally present in cannabis leaves. These compounds come together to enhance the efficacy of cannabidiol by creating the entourage effect. While CBD isolate is pure CBD sans other cannabinoids, which is also beneficial and serves condition-specific needs.
Benefits of CBD Oil Benefits
The use of cannabis finds mentioned in premier ayurvedic texts of Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. The benefits of medicinal cannabis are far and wide both psychologically and physiologically. It is considered a prime entheogenic that is popular in many shamanic traditions and considered a getaway to spiritual reinvigoration.Let's study the benefits of medicinal cannabis and CBD oil in particular:
CBD oil for Anxiety and Depression
CBD exhibits a calming and soothing effect on the user that can help combat anxiety disorders. A study exploring CBD as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders found that 300 to 600 mg of CBD helps reduce anxiety in patients with Seasonal Affective disorder (SAD). It further witnessed fear extinction in PTSD patients and efficacy in cognitive behavioural therapy.It also supported in a limited sample size that the use of CBD reduces amygdala activation which is the fear response and activation center in our brain. It also showed altered medial prefrontal amygdala connectivity. The study also witnessed no anxiogenic effects and an excellent safety profile for acute CBD dosing.
Another study consisting of 72 adults supported the assuaging effect of CBD for anxiety-related disorders and improvement in sleep quality over time.
Chronic Pain Management
CBD oil acts as fine analgesia by inhibiting the pain receptors in the brain and provides relief from chronic or neuropathic pain. It is an excellent muscle relaxant and works as an anti-convulsant through the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system.In a study of cancer patients, bhang or CBD was found to help with cancer-induced pain throughout the body without any major side effects or withdrawal symptoms. This lead to an improvement in the patient’s quality of life. Another study in 2017 separately reported an increase in the quality of life of patients with non-cancer pain like Arthritis arising from inflammation.
Indigestion and Bowel relief
CBD has been seen to regulate bowel movements and provide relief from dyspepsia and colitis. A study with 292 patients found cannabis to be helpful for symptom control like abdominal pain, nausea, or diarrhea. It is also found to relieve symptoms of Irritable bowel disease.Sleep Disorders and Insomnia
CBD possesses a sleep-inducing quality that helps with insomnia or sleep-related problem by inhibiting cortisol buildup. Cortisol is the stress hormone that keeps us awake during the day. Any irregularity in cortisol production alters and affects the circadian rhythm of the body, thus disturbing the sleeping schedule.CBD relaxes the body by acting as a sedative and primes us for sleep. Users of medicinal cannabis report better sleep quality and longer sleep durations. There are conclusive studies that sight CBD augments and enrich sleep duration.
Eye pressure or Glaucoma
Glaucoma or Intro Ocular Pressure (IOP) is caused by pressure buildup in the eye due to faulty drainage of aqueous humor. Blind spots, tunnel vision, headaches, and coloured halos around lights are common symptoms. It is a common age-related problem and is aggravated by continuous stress levels.
A study regarding the sublingual application of IOP found that patients experienced temporary relief after 5mg of THC and CBD.
Neurological Disorders - Multiple sclerosis, ALS
Many studies have demonstrated the positive effect of CBD on a variety of neurological disorders like migraine, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease, though more research is underway and warranted.CBD’s anti-inflammatory and pleiotropic activity positions it as a plausible treatment for serious neurological diseases.
Difference between Cannabis Oil and CBD oil
Cannabis refers to plant species in the family Cannabaceae which is the source of active compounds like THC or CBD. The cannabis plant is found in nature as three main species - Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Among these, Sativa and Indica are predominantly used to extract THC and CBD, respectively.While Sativa (THC dominant) produces head-high on consumption, associated with feelings of euphoria and productivity, Indica (CBD dominant) makes the user relaxed and sleepy. These distinctions are the general rule of thumb and depend on the strain's ratio of THC to CBD. Cannabis oil is extracted from the Cannabis plant and contains both THC and CBD along with other cannabinoids. Contrast this with CBD oil, which has a THC level regulated below 0.3 percent to minimize psychoactive effects.
However, when looking for therapeutic benefits, it is best to choose a full-spectrum oil containing a variety of naturally-occuring cannabinoids, including THC, THCa, CBD, CBN and more that work in synergy to bring out the plant’s unique qualities.
Cannabis oil like Cannaflam oil is a good choice as it contains low THC levels and is made using full-spectrum cannabis extract.
CBD oil and Cannaflam oil have relaxing and pain-relieving properties making it favorable as a medicinal supplement. Since it contains only trace amounts of THC, CBD oil does not induce symptoms like euphoria, forgetfulness, time lag, etc.
A few minor CBD oil side effects include dry mouth, nausea, and change in appetite. You need a doctor’s prescription to buy CBD oil and must consult your doctor for the ideal dosage and frequency.
Safety Profile of CBD oil
Safety Profile
it is non-toxic and likely safe with minor side effects. This does not mean you should self-prescribe and start with an arbitrary dosage. Consult a doctor or specialist to get a customized analysis and program. It is worth mentioning that people with mental disorders or schizophrenic history in the family must consult a doctor before consuming any cannabis-infused medication.
Side Effects
CBD oil is well-tolerated in patients with no major vestigial effects. However, some minor effects can be expected that depend on personal history and the body’s reaction. Common side effects include fatigue or lethargy, dry mouth, faster heartbeat, and drowsiness. You must consult a doctor to fine-tune your daily dosage or when mixing different drugs.
Methods of Prescription
There are three primary methods of prescription for CBD oil or any cannabis-infused medicine -
Prescription by a doctor is the most common and most likely among all forms. It is when your doctor suggests cannabis-infused meds for relief from your condition.
The second method is prescription by a medical cannabis clinic. Though these clinics are few and only allowed to operate in certain countries, they can be a good source of regulated CBD oils. There are one-of-a-kind Vedi Wellness Centres in India providing walk-in ayurvedic consultation and herbal remedies.
Vedi Herbals is one such stop that offers exclusive telemedicine service and an up-to-date portal to shop for cannabis-infused CBD oils and capsules.
Modes of Ingestion and Correct Dosage
CBD dosage can vary from individual to individual depending on the body weight, medical and psychiatric history, ongoing medications, and concentration of CBD in the tincture. Age and tolerance to cannabis also weigh in on the apt dosage. It is always a good starting point to get medical advice from experts in cannabis-backed treatment.
CBD oil can be applied or consumed in multiple ways depending on the cause for seeking treatment and symptoms. Cautionary advice is to consult with a cannabis-specialized doctor to arrive at an appropriate dosage. Although some popular ways to take CBD oil-
- CBD oil in food or drink
- CBD capsules or pills
- CBD oil consumed either sprayed under the tongue (sublingually) or swallowed directly
- Topical treatments by massaging CBD oil at the pain area.
Vedi Wellness Centre has offered India’s first medical cannabis clinic specializing in herbal and ayurvedic treatment while also providing on-site doctor consultations. Its branches are present in Bangalore, Mumbai and Bhubaneswar.
Where to Buy CBD oil?
So, where can you buy CBD oil? Which is the best CBD oil? Can you buy other cannabis-infused medicines as well?
You should look for chemical-free CBD oil, free from artificial preservative compounds like sulfates, parabens, or phthalates. A trusted source that invests in organic produce and sustainable growth will make a far superior and well-regulated product.
We at Vedi Herbals believe in the ethos of Ayurveda and operate with the motto - Be one with nature. Our product catalog contains preservative-free and completely plant-derived - Cannaflam oil. It is derived from the leaves of organically grown cannabis and formulated from CBD oil. Our CBD oil contains various active compounds like cannabinoid, terpenes, flavonoids and pigments etc. and all of which have a significant therapeutic effect on a wide range of symptoms and disease.
Cannabis-infused medication medications require a doctor's prescription for a successful purchase and are advised to be taken under medical supervision.
Cannaflam oil help reduce inflammation and Invigorates bowel health. It also provides relief from sciatic pain, general anxiety, appetite loss, and Irritable bowel syndrome. Our oils are made using full-spectrum Cannabis leaves extract infused in MCT oil, boosting the bioavailability of cannabinoids and providing an immediate effect. Browse through our Cannabis-infused medicine catalog for more product details.
CBD oil benefits are clearly profound and clinically proven. As people slowly recognize the ancient wisdom and utility of Ayurveda in modern life, the use of medicinal cannabis could become a cornerstone in modern medicine and usher in a new way of life.
Reach out to us for holistic health with medical cannabis and all things Ayurveda.
What is CBD used for?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is an active compound found in the cannabis plant that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits. Research suggests it may also offer benefits for various conditionslike, Chronic pain, Anxiety, Inflammation, Insomnia, Neurological disorders, Heart health issues and Cancer-related symptoms. Also useful for reducing stress, improving sleep, and enhancing athletic performance.
However, it's important to be aware of both the potential benefits and drawbacks before considering using CBD.
Is CBD the same as Marijuanas?
No, CBD and marijuana are not the same, although they come from the same plant species, Cannabis sativa. CBD can be extracted from both hemp and marijuana and does not cause a "high" due to its minimal interaction with the brain's cannabinoid receptors.
What are the natural benefits of CBD?
Some of the potential natural benefits of CBD suggested by early research are:
Pain relief - it may be helpful for conditions like arthritis, muscle pain, and migraines.
Anxiety and depression - helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.
Sleep: Improves sleep quality by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
Skin health - helps manage skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Mental health - might offer benefits for some neurological disorders like epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
Are there side effects to CBD?
Yes, while generally considered safe, CBD can have some mild side effects. Drowsiness or fatigue, changes in appetite, Diarrhea, dry mouth and dizziness are the side effects may occue on overdosing.
What is full form of CBD?
It stands for cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound found naturally in the cannabis plant, including both hemp and marijuana.