Everything looks beautiful in the monsoon season, lush greenery, clean washed cities, dark clouds and fresh grasslands. Well, everything except our skin!Monsoon brings humidity and it is a bad news for any type of skin. Ayurveda believes that monsoon is the most vulnerable time for dosha imbalances.
Monsoon alleviates the skin problems such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections and pimples. The combination and oily skin are the ones that are worsthit. However, if you try these simple ayurvedictips, you can enjoy beautifuland healthy skin even in the monsoon.
But before we go ahead, are you aware of your dosha, your skin type?
The first step to the holistic ayurvedic approach to skin care is to find out your skin type.There are three doshas that make your constitution. This is also called your prakruti and are responsible for the activities of one’s mind and body.
For any individual, ayurvedic skin type can be Vata, Pitta or Kapha, or sometimes a combination of two of these doshas.
Characteristics of Skin based on Doshas
- Vata skin is generally dry, thin, cool to touch, dehydrated and vulnerable to rashes duringdry, windy weather.
- Pitta is mostly fire, therefore such skin type is more prone to breakouts, photosensitivity, less tolerance to hot weather and hot food. Pitta skin looks rosy red and feels warm to touch. Pitta skin types leads to more patches and moles.
- Kaphadosha is predominantly water and earth, so such skin is greasy, thick, yet show better tolerance to sun.
What if it’s combination skin?
"Combination" skin can be -
- Vata-Pitta: skin that is both dry and sensitive
- Kapha-Pitta: oily and sensitive skin
- Vata-Kapha: skin that is generally dry with some oily zones
The ayurvedic approach to take care of combination skin goes season wise, something like this –
- The Vata-Pitta skin should follow the regime for Pitta skin in summer and Vata skin in winter.
- The Kapha-Pitta type should follow Pitta recommendations in summer and Kapha recommendations in winter.
- The Vata-Kapha type would be best dealt by following Vata guidelines, with extra cleansing of the oily zones.
Caring for Vata Skin
For Vata skin to stay youthful, apply nourishing skin care products, like Vedi Herbal range. They should include essential oils withnutrients to replenish the skin and keep it hydrated;and eliminate the risk of skin ageing, wrinkles and premature aging.
Product Recommendation –
This is a wonderful Spanish recipe of natural soap constituting organic olive oil at its foundation along with a rich blend of organic castor, coconut and wild-crafted hempseed oil. This unique blend of oils helps avoid dryness caused by Vata.
Suggestions -
- Eat foods that help balance Vata, like whole grains and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
- Drink lots of water for internal hydration.
- Eat plenty of sweet juicy fruits as they help to cleanse the body and hydrate.
- Include some healthy fat such as ghee or olive oil in diet for lubrication.
- A warm oil massage for keeping skin lubricated.
- Apply moisturizer after bath to keep facial skin hydrated
Caring for Pitta Skin
The Pitta skin type needs both nurturing and cooling effect. You should use naturalchemical free skin care products, that help improve the resistance to sun.
Product Recommendation –
Himalayan Cedarwood&Patchouli Liquid Castile Soap
Himalayan Cedarwood fragrance has calming and relaxing effect on mind and body. Patchouli is anatural deodorant with earthy, sweet and spicy flavor.
Generally, Pitta disturbances may be soothed by any of the following essential oils, cedar, orange blossom, lavender, basil and frankincense.
Suggestions -
- Avoid harsh synthetic cosmetics as they may cause breakouts.
- Avoid hot, spicy and deep-fried foods.
- Eat sweet, juicy fruits and have Rose Petal syrup in cool milk every day.
- Use a cooling oil or soothing herbal massage oil for daily massage.
- Intake more cooling spices like fennel and licorice.
- Cover yourself well in sun.
Kapha Skin Care
Kapha skin is generally thick and oily, more prone to accumulate ama (toxins) under the skin. Such skinned people are requiredto detoxify at regular intervals. Not just external, kaphaprakriti people should flush toxins from inside the body as well.
Most favorable oils for kapha disturbances are lily, sandalwood, iris and gardenia oil. A base oil of canola or just mustard oil can also help break up the kapha disturbances.
Product Recommendation –
The Vedi Castile Soap has organic olive oil at the base oil with a rich blend of organic castor, coconut and wild-crafted hempseed oil.
If you are the one, who is fanatic about fragrance, you may choose unscented castile soaps that is ideal for sensitive skin and also babies.
Suggestions -
- Cleanse your skin twice a day, exfoliate at least once a week.
- Avoid too much sweet and deep-fried food, as it adds oiliness in skin. Eat more veggies and fruits.
- Exercise every day to improve circulation.
- Cook with hot spices like ginger and black pepper to fuel the digestive fire.
Be aware of your skin type and use the products accordingly for a luscious healthy skin in any season.