Understanding Cannabis Dosage for Effective Therapeutic Use

Understanding Cannabis Dosage for Effective Therapeutic Use
Dr. Vaidya Vyas Durgadutt Umapati
Dr. Vaidya Vyas Durgadutt Umapati
BAMS, MD (Ayurved)

While Cannabis is trending rapidly, there are a lot of lesser known facts in terms of its potency, dosage, and therapeutic use. In the field of medicine, the right dosage makes all the difference. Dosage is the vital factor that can help reap maximum benefits with minimal side effects of Cannabis.

Every company who is into manufacturing of Cannabis medicine must have a basic understanding of the key characteristics of Cannabis in order to make it a more safe, versatile and effective drug. 

Vedi Herbals invests a lot in researching Cannabis and improving awareness around it. There is a lot of variation where some patients get satisfactory results with a small dosage, while others require a greater amount.

The small dose can be as less as 1 mg, and the greater dose may range up to 2000 mg daily.

Myths and Facts About Cannabis Therapy

  • Myth: Higher dosage can be fatal to patients
    Fact: Although 2000 mg sounds unusual, researchers have found that even a hundred times higher dose than this will not be fatal to anyone. Cannabis is safe and forbearing medicine.
  • Myth: Patient have to get high to attain relief from symptoms
    Fact: The therapeutic effects of cannabis can be achieved at dosages lower than those required to get high.
  • Myth: Higher dosage is more effective
    Fact: Lower dosage can be enormously effective, sometimes even more so than the higher dose for some people.

How to manage psycho-activity?

Cannabis therapy can only be successful if its psychoactive properties can be managed. There are some patients who enjoy the Cannabis high, but others like to take it just like a medicine.

THC is the intoxicating component of Cannabis. The precise combination of CBD and THC is the key to implementing an effective treatment regimen.

To get the most health benefits, it involves some trial and error. It shouldn’t bother you much because they aren’t harmful like most chemical based pharmaceuticals.

Therapeutic Window

The term “therapeutic window” defines the range of dosage or concentration of a drug that offers the safest and most effective therapy. This is the range that starts from the lowest effective dose and goes up to the dose, that just initiates unwanted side effects.

Those people who are new to cannabis have a very narrow therapeutic window, while long term users develop a wider therapeutic window, similar to other drugs where individuals build a tolerance to Cannabis at different rates.

Bidirectional Effects of Cannabis

Cannabis has the ability to produce opposite or bidirectional effects in 3 situations –

  • With different people – its effect varies from person to person. If someone is stressed, they may relax with Cannabis, while unstressed people may feel anxious.
  • With different strains – the impact varies with the type of strain. The same dose of two different varieties of Cannabis can cause opposite effects.
  • With different dosages – With an increase in dose, some people may feel sleepy, while others may find it difficult to sleep.

Combination of CBD and THC

CBD and THC in correct proportions make the medicine more effective by enhancing the benefits and reducing the side effects.

They are particularly helpful for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, spasms, tremors, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, discoordination, and disturbed sleep.

Cannabis Tolerance for beginners and occasional users

A small dose of Cannabis can be potent. However, its effect reduces with regular use, because as tolerance develops, a small dose is not enough for the same level of response. “Cannabis tolerance” is a term, which indicates the resistance developed to the effects of Cannabis.

This means they need to consume higher dose to reach the same effect that was experienced before. There is no test designed to assess a person’s tolerance, so the only way of measuring it is by comparing their current and past reactions to the same dosage.

Determining how quickly someone might build up a tolerance is also challenging because there are many considerations involved, including frequency of use, method of consumption, and other personal factors.

Tolerance break by practicing Cannabis abstinence is the best way to rejuvenate the effects of Cannabis. However, be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms that you might experience. Similar to any habit, whether sugar addiction or a routine addiction, your brain/body will crave Cannabis initially.

Stay focused, create diversions for the mind and you will be able to break the tolerance within a few days.

Multi-phasic Dose-Response Relationships

Cannabis exhibits a rare connection between the dose and the expected response. Increasing the dose of a medicine should result in a stronger therapeutic effect and more chances of adverse effects. This phenomenon is known as a mono-phasic dose-response relationship.

But Cannabis does not follow this pattern. With the increase in Cannabis dose, there will be stronger effects, but only to a certain limit, a further increase in dosage will reduce the therapeutic effects, while increasing the side effects.

This is termed as Multi-phasic Dose-Response Relationship.

How Low-Dose Cannabis can give the desired results?

Together CBD and THC offer numerous therapeutic qualities even at low doses. They are effective in the relief of pain, anxiety, seizures, nausea, while improving mood.

A very low dose of Cannabis can be wonderfully effective, mostly more effective than unnecessary higher doses. Therefore, micro-dosing is generally preferred.

Recommendations for New and Experienced Users

If you are new to Cannabis medicine or if you’re seeking to improve your therapeutic routine, we suggest you start low and go slow. Existing users may try different combinations of CBD and THC to improve therapeutic benefits.

You can buy quality Cannabis-infused medicines online from Vedi Herbals. Only available with prescription from a certified medical practitioner.

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